Migrant Voices on Regent Radio

J4MW in collaboration with Regent Radio News&Views’ host David Wall ran a weekly show entitled Migrant Voices.  It aired every Friday at 2pm Eastern Time and was eventually published as a podcast on Radio Regent. The show was co-produced by J4MW members Moilene Samuels, Fabio Herediac, and Taneeta Doma.

Migrant Voices is an audio platform for migrant workers to share their concerns, leave greetings for friends and family, and share messages of encouragement and hope to comrades experiencing similar issues. The show focuses on the concerns of Black, Brown and other racialized migrant workers in Canada, including informative interviews and discussions.

Between segments featuring workers themselves, we integrate interviews with migrant justice organizers and other allies. This provides a way for organizers to respond to workers’ questions and comments, and to provide updates and analyses on current affairs impacting migrant workers.

Interested in doing an interview with us? Connect with us at j4mw.on@gmail.com.

Migrant Voices Episodes